Just a friendly reminder that class will be from 3p to 4p in DCH 3076.
Archive for January, 2012
Friendly Reminder: Make-up Class Tomorrow
Sunday, January 29th, 2012HW 1: Threat modeling and attack analysis Posted
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012Homework 1 has been posted and is available here.
Confused by the Chaum-Pederson part of the lecture?
Thursday, January 19th, 2012Turns out, the slides I was using in class were out-of-date, and I had fixed some bugs in them elsewhere. The PDF that’s online is now current. When you get to the Chaum-Pedersen proof slides, you’ll see I redid the “Fake C-P” version (starting at slide 23), which will hopefully make it more clear how you can create a fake Chaum-Pedersen proof. And if you don’t get that, it’s not really essential to this course. What I want you to take away from this all is the broad applicability of challenge-response-style protocols in computer security.
HW0 Updated
Tuesday, January 10th, 2012HW0 was modified with the following objective. Please send your estimated availability for Mondays and Fridays to the TA so that make-up classes can be scheduled. The expected time slot should not be less than an hour but no more than 75 minutes. Thanks.
Welcome to Spring 2012 Comp327
Monday, January 9th, 2012Welcome to the Spring 2012 version of Comp327. If you’re planning to attend Comp327, make sure you’re properly registered with the university. Homework 0 is assigned as of now. The first part of this assignment is to fill out this registration form. After you fill out this form, email the TA (first.last name at rice). He will send you the class password, which will be used to register at WebSecLab.com.